We planted sunflowers this year as an experiment but, as usual, I had no idea what to do with them come harvest time. After some searching, we found how simple it is to roast sunflower seeds. The National Sunflower Association provides a simple recipe We added 2 quarts of water and 1/4 cup of salt to a regular sauce pan.
We then added enough seeds to make the pan full but not in danger of overflowing. Once boiling, we covered it and lowered the heat and simmered it for 2 hours. I stirred it every now and then just to make sure nothing was missing out on the salty fun! Afterwards, I heated the oven to 300 deg F and spread the seeds on a few cookie sheets.
The recipe says to bake for 30 minutes but it took much longer than that for ours to be dried and roasted. Just keep an eye on it after 45 minutes of so. We checked back every 15 or so minutes until they were done. Don’t try to pile the seeds on too thick. A single layer is necessary (don’t ask me how I know) for good roasting. Once you finish the roast, let the seeds cool for half an hour before you pour them into a moisture and mouse proof container.
Some folks separate the seeds from the shells when they eat them. Personally, I just eat the whole thing. I have no trouble with fiber…that’s all I’ll say. Emily is a separator. She doesn’t appear to be ready for the Majors yet as her seed spit is not yet up to par. We have a bunch of seeds though so I suppose she will have more time to practice!