So I am passing through my 30s (but still easily in my 30s…don’t forget it!) and stuff is starting to catch up with me a little. I like to lift weights at the gym but I am finding that my recovery time is not quite what it used to be. In fact, I had to go to the chiropractor yesterday so that I can continue to function. Anyhow, my blood pressure is too high so I take medicine for that as well.
On my most recent two trips for the normal doctor-type poking and prodding, my doc found that my cholesterol is headed in the wrong direction. Who knew that 2 butter crunch donuts and a Mountain Dew every day for breakfast was not a good thing? Anyhow, my doctor insisted that I have only one more try to get my cholesterol down before she puts me on medication (btw, just kidding about the donuts and Mountain Dew!). Medication on its own does not necessarily bother me but what gets me is having to part with money…I mean, Kroger is already getting my $4 per month for the generic blood pressure medicine…another $4 for cholesterol too? I think not! That’s at least 2 Mountain Dews or 3 Tahitian Treats !
I was lamenting the facts with a friend of mine and he suggested that I try his recipe for fiber muffins. “Hold on old man…I’m not ready for fiber anything!” But then he told me his news…he had high blood pressure and cholesterol and was given a similar ultimatum by his doctor. Somewhere (from out of his hind parts I think), he found a recipe for fiber muffins. I suspect that the original recipe produced sawdust bricks that are typical of fiber muffins. He messed with different flours and ingredients until he created a muffin that was high in fiber and tasted great. My friend started making these muffins and also started a South Beach diet and was able to drop his cholesterol and blood pressure number faster than 2,000,000 people could fill 5000 porta-johns on the Mall at the Presidential inauguration yesterday.

My friend was kind enough to share his hard work with me by sharing this recipe and I am passing it on to you, my closest personal friends! I have been eating the muffins for a few days now so we’ll see what they do for my numbers. Anyhow, please feel free to try these things if you’d like. Regardless of their healing powers and miraculous magical properties, they flat out taste good.
Of course, there are other issues that come with age which are helped by extra fiber in the diet. I don’t yet suffer from those problems, but I am told that these muffins are a “regular” cure-all for that as well!
So, here is the recipe:
Gut Buster Muffins
2 cups bran cereal (like Fiber One)
2 cups milk or whipping cream (I used milk)
1/2 cup melted butter
2 eggs
1 TBSP vanilla
3 TBSP cinnamon (optional but recommended)
1 TBSP nutmeg (optional but recommended)
1/2 cup rolled oats
Mix all this and let it sit for at least 10 minutes to soften the cereal
Meanwhile, in a large bowl, combine these ingredients:
1/2 cup oat flour
1/2 cup oat bran
1/2 cup flax meal (or grind flax seed yourself)
1/2 cup whole wheat flour
1/2 cup almond meal
1/2 cup walnuts (I chopped mine up pretty fine)
1/4 cup wheat gluten
3 TBSP baking powder
1 1/4 cups sugar (or splenda or honey….I used honey once but it made a denser muffin…may not be as nice to eat…I mostly use sugar now)
Once the first bowl is softened, add it to the second bowl. Bake at 325 deg F for 35 minutes
This will make about 30 or so muffins…you’ll probably need to refrigerate some of these as they will go bad quickly (being lots of natural ingredients). In out house, Emily and the kids and I are all eating them so they aren’t lasting long enough to go bad. By the way, the recipe halves very easily as well. Let me know if you try the recipe. I hope you enjoy!
By the way, here is a nutritional analysis I did on these muffins:
pdf document excel spreadsheet