My baby turns 16 today. I started off his day with the well-known, “Sweet 16 and never been kissed.” Cooly, he replied, “Yeah, let’s just go with that.” How can it be that the tiny baby so long ago has turned into a nearly grown man?! And just who did he kiss?! Anyhow, this is a big year for him and Emily and I are so excited to see what comes next!
Some pics with his friends from his Winter Concert last night:
Isaac’s start was so traumatic and he has had a few problems since. Still, through it all, he has persevered and become a gentleman, a great friend to many, a fantastic musician, a fun jokster and my absolute favorite son!
I am so very proud of his accomplishments and delight in seeing his smiling face every single day! Happy Sweet 16 Isaac!
Last week Abigail turned 12. That makes this the last year without a teen in the house. I guess some people have bad teen-years experiences but we have had a great time with Isaac and Abigail at every age. It is shaping up to look like the teenage years will be great for Abigail as well.
Birthday dinner!
She has all sorts of things that interest her. She is a budding flutist and made the all-county band as a 6th grader. She thinks she is the only 6th grader in the entire band. And to boot, she is 9th chair out of 22…as a sixth grader! I couldn’t be more proud!
Abigail’s Birthday…with her great grandmother!
She loves to read and challenges my paychecks to keep up with her appetite for books. Of course, I know it is money well spent and the library always seems to be behind her so we just go for it and buy both printed and kindle books. I figure if nothing else, I could insulate our house with all of the books we have laying around.
As bad as legos are in some people’s houses, markers seem to be that bad in our house. It seems like I am always stepping or sitting on a marker or colored pencil. Abigail loves to draw and creates all sorts of scenes and drawings. She labors and fusses over her work and tweaks it until she feels like it is done. She has a cool perspective on the world and it’s fun to see it unfold through her work.
Abigail and her brother
Abigail is also a budding runner. It’s fun to run with her…sometimes…she complains about getting started but has a period during our runs where she seems to enjoy it. Warming up is ok and the first mile or so is ok. It’s pretty hard to call what comes next “ok” but I like to run with her anyhow. She ran cross-country last year and enjoyed it mostly. Over the winter she got out of shape so she and I are running every week now in an attempt to get her ready for the season in the fall. We get a little father-daughter bonding time at the least so I like that!
Anyhow, please help me wish Abigail a happy birthday even if it is a little late! She’s a great kid and is on her way to being a decent adult!
I can’t believe that Isaac is another year older already! All parents say this I know, but I can’t believe he isn’t still the tiny little baby who had such a horrific start. It seems like yesterday we were learning to ride a bike and here he is about to drive a car! Although he has had some issues, he has grown into a fun and wonderful young man of whom I am so very proud!
Last night we heard his Christmas band concert, and it was a thing of beauty! He is the first chair tenor sax player in his concert band which makes me very proud. He loves to play his horn and with a band that can make music like they can, who wouldn’t love it?!
Anyhow, we celebrated Isaac’s birthday among family the other night and had a great time celebrating both Isaac and his uncle who share a birthday. It’s such a fun and wonderful time as they both get into the party and make it a lot of fun for everyone.
I think as much as anything, I was happy to see Isaac, both at his birthday party and at the band concert, just having fun and making people laugh. His name is Hebrew for laughter and he has always been one to make people comfortable and happy through his laughter and sense of humor. He is one of my true joys and I am so proud to be his father!
My little baby girl turns 11 today. That places her squarely in the demographic known as “tween”. My mom always used to say that she liked my brother and me best at the age we were, whenever someone asked. I have to say I see it now. I loved Abigail as a baby and as a 5 year old and I am really enjoying her as a budding young woman right now. It’s fun to see her interests begin to shape and her soon-to-be-adult ideas begin to form. She is strong willed and determined and sometimes emotional and always just a lot of fun to be around.
Emily and I had to beg her (as we always do) to give us some gift ideas. Our kids have the most awesome responses when asked what they want for gifts. Typically it is just a small thing or two. I wrote about a few examples awhile back…sort of a funny read I think. Anyhow, I do not think they have ever just “gone wild” asking for things. They see value in certain things and also are beginning to see and understand the value of money.
Birthday Presents!
So this year, Abigail asked simply for a pocket knife, an iTunes gift card and some Gobstoppers. I think that’s a pretty cool list…not a typical list by any means. Of course, the pocket knife surprised me the most but hey, who am I to question my daughter wanting to buck stereotypes?! I got her exactly what she wanted and surprised her with it this morning. As of breakfast time, she had not yet cut herself. I know it will happen at some point. Folks have to learn things and sometimes it has to be learned the hard way. We will teach her safety of course so it will be up to hear to learn, one way or another. It’s good to have a little danger and responsibility too…she is 11 after all…growing right up into a real person a wonderful young lady!
Today is a very important day. It’s Emily’s birthday! She’s hangin’ in there pretty well too! She wouldn’t want to make a big deal about her birthday but I am so pleased to let you, dear friends, know about this special day! I do not think we have any important plans for the day. We may go out to eat or something along those lines but birthdays are pretty funny when you are an adult. I think we may go see the fireworks at the Capitol tonight. They are only partially for the sesquicentennial celebration for the state…no, they are mostly for celebrating the birth of Emily two score and one years ago!
I got her a few special gifts but those are still a secret. She always accuses me of getting practical rather than thoughtful gifts. This year is only partially different. I got her one of each. It’s hard for me to think of things that aren’t practical. It’s just not in my nature so she sort of has to suffer a little of that. Of course, I get to suffer the result of her suffering so I guess it works out. Anyhow, I am pretty pleased with one present. She accused me of waiting until the last minute to get the thoughtful gift but I have been working on it for over a month. That’s planning in my book! I hope it reminds her that I am pleased to be celebrating with her and that frying pans aren’t the only gifts I can buy!
So, here’s to another trip around the Sun and to another celebration I get to share with Emily. Happy birthday to my favorite wife!