We headed down to the Clay Center this weekend to check out the Lost Kingdoms of the Nile exhibit. From their website…
“The Clay Center is one of only two venues in the entire nation afforded an opportunity to present this exhibition. From the largest Nubian collection outside of Khartoum, Sudan, the exhibition includes more than 200 objects from the royal tombs of el Kurru, Nuri, and Meroë which date from the Prehistoric Period to the Roman era (3100 BCE to 246 CE).”
It was really incredible and I am so excited that Charleston has such an opportunity to see priceless artifacts from “back when God was a kid”. Unfortunately, we couldn’t take pictures in the exhibit so I got nuthin’ to show you.

Outside, however, is another incredible object that I think Charleston is fortunate to possess. The new sculpture called Hallelujah! by Albert Paley was installed just a few weeks ago at the Clay Center. The McGee Foundation donated a bunch of money to add the 60 foot tall sculpture to the collection of the Center and I am so pleased that they did.

The new piece has apparently met with mixed reviews. In fact, when I first heard about it, I too thought, “Great, another pile of rusting metal in the city”, but I was wrong. When we drove upon the Clay Center, it was striking.

Sure, it’s rusty, but it is a beautiful piece and, when seen in person, is oddly moving to me. Not moving in an “I’m about to cry” way, but in a “I’m huge and awesome” kind of way. Come to think of it, it also feels like it is in motion… definitely moving! Isaac critiqued it thus, “Dad, this is an awesome weapon…probably something the Transformers would use.” Indeed.

My pictures don’t really do the piece justice, especially with the gray background. Even so, it’s a sight to behold. So, what do you think of modern art in general? Do you dislike it all or can you see awesomeness in some pieces? Do you think it looks like a Transformer’s weapon or do you see something else?